Monthly Archives: June 2021

Summer is here, and i’m here for it, seeing as my melanin loves the tropical vibes. Its full on time to re up on that beautiful outter and inner glow. If you’ve ever caught my ig lives, I do talk about detoxes and also treating your body right- and skincare is just one of the many ways we can treat our inner and outter bodies with love.

Sunscreen is one the staples that can be found in my bags year round but especially spf 50 or higher in the summer time. Do not use it sparsely on your face only but liberally on all areas that is exposed to the sunlight. Sunscreen is great before applying make up, or any other moisturizer.

Are we staying hydrated? Drinking 64 oz of water daily is definitely a staple for me since the warmer temps arrived, ok so it requires you visiting the loo about ten times more than you’d normally do, but if it means a healthy glowing skin, I’m with it and you should be too, scientifically, drinking water allows your body to rid itself of toxins on a daily, so that another plus.

Guilty, I don’t eat healthily at all however as we grow older we know better and we ought to do better so here I am advocating for intentional healthier eating habits. Start small, stay colorful and consistent. Fruits, veggies, smoothies- the whole gamut of colorful health, put it in your mouth, its good for you. Ok now that i’m done talking directly to myself, eat healthily dammit!! life is beautiful, lets improve the quality of the life we are living by eating better, guise come on we can do it. ( This one is exceptionally hard as an emotional eater with very little discipline, its work) Lets stay encouraged and encourage on another.

Its not a cyclical thing we do only when the weather is warm and nice and colorful. This is culture that we bring to our life, to our soul- that sustains us- intentional self care. we deserve that. Start with the skin, change the mind. Glow, Radiate, Illuminate all the good that God has placed in us.